In considering the past ten years of my life, I am grateful for the incredible and challenging things I’ve been blessed to experience. When we take time to reflect on our lives, we can sometimes identify different seasons, each leaving their significant imprint. As a teenager, I remember going through what was described as a growth spurt. In just a couple years’ time, I grew taller than my older brother by over three inches. I believe we can also experience spiritual growth spurts. James 1:2-4 says that persevering through “trials of many kinds,” will produce spiritual maturity. I believe my recent ten year journey was a spiritual growth spurt. My hope is that this weekly journey will encourage you to persevere, knowing that the highs and lows of life are given as an opportunity to grow spiritually mature. ~ Kevin John Smith

Is God leading you to be more intentional to reach your community and the world for Christ? Do you have a desire to go and make disciples, but feel ill-equipped, or struggle with where to begin?
Reach Teach Send provides purposeful motivation and the practical biblical tools essential for anyone seeking to grow in their ability to impact the world for Christ. RTS is a fresh and inspiring approach to becoming more effective in reaching your community and the world.
Rick Malm
Founder/CEO of Commission To Every Nation
"In Reach Teach Send, like a good coach, Kevin Smith not only inspires but also provides practical steps to move readers from the bleachers onto the field and into the game. His calls to action include things each of us can do right where we are while challenging us to launch out further and experience new levels of excitement and fruitfulness in our Christian walk. Though I’ve been involved in missions and pastoral ministry for over 45 years, I found myself motivated to make adjustments to my daily lifestyle to be more intentional in sharing my faith. I believe you, too, will find this book inspiring, encouraging, and yet practical."
Grant Haynes
Executive Director, Global Frontier Missions
“I have witnessed Kevin’s journey from a short-term mission trip participant, missions mobilizer, missionary trainee among refugees, serving on the frontlines of the mission field, pastoral/member care guru, and now as a trainer of others. Reach, Teach, Send is not just discipleship and missions theory but has been tested and lived out in the trenches in a North American context and abroad bearing and multiplying good kingdom fruit. The stories and resources shared in this book will inspire others to find and fulfill their role in God’s Great Commission”
Kenny Chinn
Senior Pastor, Northside Church
"I have had the privilege of being Kevin and Jan’s pastor since 2005. I have journeyed with them from the beginning of their call to missions to today. I watched their struggle of coming to terms with what God was asking them to do and the progression from Kevin’s initial acceptance and Jan’s reluctance to their final acceptance as a couple. Through it all they have grown, sacrificed, learned, surrendered, and leaped by faith into the arms of God for their future. When considering a book of this nature, would you rather learn from an academic perspective or from someone who has skin in the game? What Kevin has written in these pages is not speculation but rather experience. The book is practical, easy to read, and filled with effective advice for the person who seeks to do more for the Lord. I certainly recommend the book, but more than that, I recommend those who have lived out its pages in real life. Don’t miss out on the wisdom available to you in these pages. It did not take a pen to write them, it took a lifetime."